July 2022


Architecture for playing in 20th Century Mexico City.

A conversation with Aldo Solano Rojas.

For the sixth session of Derives of Art and Achitecture in Arte Abierto our guest is Aldo Solano Rojas, who will talk about one of the fields where architecture was most experienced in 20th-century Mexico City: play areas or playgrounds, a typology that attracted architects and artists for its playful, uncertain and innovative quality.

During the first two thirds of the 20th century, the Modern Movement applied its principles in architecture and urban planning. In Mexico this resulted in a city full of buildings, squares and parks that obeyed different ideas and architectural principles.

Through the playgrounds, the principles of plastic integration were applied, also influenced by participatory sculpture and pedagogical currents. This talk reviews the history and evolution of playgrounds in Mexico, their importance as creators of public space and as an important fundamental typology for the history of Mexican architecture.

Click here if you want to see the digital version of the book Playgrounds of Modern Mexico by Aldo Solano Rojas.



Live talk: Architecture for playing in 20th Century Mexico City.
With Aldo Solano.

  • Saturday, July 30, 2022
  • 13:00h
  • At Espacio Arte Abierto, located on the second floor 2 in Artz Pedregal
  • Free admission

No registration needed.


Aldo Solano Rojas (Mexico City, 1986)
He is a teacher in Art History from the University of Granada, Spain; he is specialized in historical Mexican industrial design and its application to public space, as well as in children’s street furniture. He is the author of Playgrounds of Modern Mexico, a publication supported by Fundación Jumex Arte Contemporáneo and edited by Promotora Cultural Cubo Blanco. He is a doctoral candidate in Art History with a research on public space and his interventions in the years of activity of the Modern Movement by the Institute of Aesthetic Research of the UNAM.

< Arte Abierto > continues with its new public program “Derivas de arte y arquitectura”, which seeks to renew our gaze on the architectural legacy of Mexico City. From a series of talks focused on rescuing the parallel stories of emblematic architectural projects and public spaces that have witnessed the variable intersection between art and architecture. In this first stage, the program deals mainly with modern architecture, based on a series of talks given by invited curators, architects, artists and urban planners.

With this program, ways of returning to architecture part of its public, experiential, collective character and close to those of us who inhabit the city are tested, recognizing in it its condition as a living archive. From these talks, circumstances, contexts and anecdotes are revealed that have been part of his sensitive memory and that complement his material memory, a relationship that often escapes documentary narratives and academic accounts.

The objective of the drifts is to generate experiences of spatial rediscovery, which allow us to renew our gaze on the legacy of certain emblematic architectural and artistic works, as well as those that have been forgotten.

The derives will be carried out free of charge on the last Saturday of each month, at 1:00 p.m. with a limited capacity.

Arte Abierto Derives :

February 26: Tania Ragasol / Entorno urbano, cotidianidad y arte: La Torre de los Vientos by Gonzalo Fonseca

March 26 : David Miranda / Del Animal Herido y otros eventos escultóricos dentro de la arquitectura moderna

April 23: Gustavo Lipkau y Xavier Hierro / Integración plástica de los edificios del campus central de CU: sus murales

May 28: Marisol Argüelles / La casa-estudio Diego Rivera y Frida Kahlo. Del espacio doméstico a la dimensión de lo público

June 25: Luis Javier de la Torre/ La Ruta de la Amistad MÉXICO68… más allá de 1968

July 30: Aldo Solano/ Architecture for playing in 20th Century Mexico City.