09 May GHOST DANCE 🗓 🗺
In search of the invisible: Cycle of Cositas workshops with Estudio Nómade.
For “Ghost Dance” (workshop two) we have scheduled 1 workshop.
- Saturday, May 15, 2024
- 1:00 p.m.
- Arte Abierto | 2nd floor | Artz Pedregal
- Free admission | Limited space (Pre-register here)
- For children between 5 and 12 years old, accompanied by their family.
For our second In Search of the Invisible workshop: GHOST DANCE, kids will make a flipbook with a sequence of drawings made with invisible ink about a character whose main characteristics are: likes to dance, is invisible in sunlight and to see it black light is needed. At the end, they will have a small book with pictures that move as they turn the pages.
In Search of the Invisible is a cycle of workshops for kids designed by Estudio Nómade to explore Cositas exhibition by Mario García Torres from imagination, play and speculation.
Estudio Nómade
This studio is formed by Elvia González and Carlos Villajuárez who combine their multiple disciplines to generate a space for creation, play, imagination, exchange of ideas, art and speculation. Within the studio they put into practice exercises that combine different disciplines such as visual arts, cinema, theater, literature, illustration and editorial design, in order to achieve a novel and playful space in which participants can discover other ways of creating and take it to life. everyday practice. As part of the development of the workshops, dynamics of integration, participation and collaboration are established to highlight the creative capacity and sensitivity as something natural in each of us.
Estudio Nómade has given workshops at the UNAM Palace of Autonomy, Open Art, Espacio Báltico, Universidad Iberoamericana, Children’s Libraries Working Group of the Official College of Librarians-Documentalists of Catalonia, among others. Likewise, its editorial line has been part of book fairs such as “A book is…” by Arte Abierto, “Fronteras. Independent Publishers Fair” organized by Casa Espiral at the Carrillo Gil Art Museum, “Cultural Book Fair” at the Iberoamerican University, among others.