Julia Carrillo studied mathematics and visual arts at UNAM. At the end of 2019, she was at the MMCA Residency International Artist Fellowship Program of the National Museum of Modern and Contemporary Art (MMCA / Korea) and this year she was accepted at the Art OMI residence in New York.

Julia has obtained various supports and scholarships such as FONCA’s Jóvenes Creadores, Support Program of Production and Research in Art and Media (PAPIAM-Cenart) and Art Science and Technologies (ACT-FONCA).

She has also participated in individual and group exhibitions, national and international. Her work is part of renowned collections like the Museum of Contemporary Art of Monterrey (MARCO) and Universum Museum of Sciences, UNAM.




This video is part of ARCHIVO ABIERTO, a project by Atelier Romo and Arte Abierto.

Enter here if you prefer to watch the video directly on our YouTube channel.


EDITION > @imazrodrigo and @jm_romo

MUSIC > Máximo Hollander

PRODUCTION > @hojarasca_org


Works in collaboration with @adrawingsurface and @diegoespinosa

Thanks for the support of @ariana.landaburo @elmatasa and @santiagoecharricotler


@apickgallery @patriciaconde @cnart @​mmcakorea @​marco @periferia___@local21arte
