Alex Dorfsman (Mexico City, 1977) estudied Plastic Arts at Escuela Nacional de Pintura, Escultura y Grabado “La Esmeralda”, Mexico City. Fue becario del programa Jóvenes Creadores del FONCA, generación 2005-2006.

He was a grant holder of the Young Creators program at FONCA, generation 2005-2006 and between 2007 and 2008 he was awarded the FONCA Program for the Promotion of Cultural Projects and Co-investments grant.

He received the Purificación García Latin American Photography Award, 2011.

From 2014 to 2016 he was a member of FONCA’s National System of Creators.

He has held individual exhibitions and participated in various group exhibitions in Mexico and abroad.

Dorfsman is a visual artist who uses disciplines such as geography, biology, literature, and philosophy to build his photographic discourse. His work is mainly focused on photography and video.

Throughout his career he has released 8 publications among which are: ‘3 pauses towards Nikko’, ‘This mountain collapsed and became a bridge’, ‘Plot your progress’,’ It’s almost real, isn’t it? ‘

Alex currently lives and works in his studio in Mexico City.

This video is part of ARCHIVO ABIERTO, a project by Atelier Romo and Arte Abierto.

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